Project Update 6
Stone Cleaning
On Saturday morning a team of willing volunteers gathered in the church to get scrubbing! With the floor newly sanded down, it became clear that the years and layers of varnish liberally mopped onto the floor had also made it onto the bases of the stone pillars. So, with plenty of elbow-grease, it was time to scrub it off so the pillars look neat and tidy.
A Lick of Paint
Work continues with the high-level repainting of the church... including use of this contraption called 'The Spider' which will allow the decorators to reach the very top of the building in order to repaint the ceiling and clean the wooden arches.
A Fresh Perspective
We had the oppotunity to collect a 'drone's-eye view' of the church a couple of weeks ago, just after the floor had been sanded. This gives a great view of the floor design and the overall space.