Resources on Revelation

Starting on 15 October 2023, we are exploring the fascinating, bewildering and yet encouraging book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible.  In many ways its 22 chapters can be seen as an expansion of the phrase in chapter 1, verse 17, where the risen Lord Jesus says to John, “Do not be afraid.  I am the first and the last.”: despite all the toughness of life, God is working His purposes out and therefore continue living according to His kingdom values.

John wrote Revelation from an island called Patmos, in the Mediterranean Sea, off the western coast of modern-day Turkey.  After an introduction, the first 3 chapters contain 7 letters to 7 churches (also located in modern day Turkey), see the map below (thanks to Wikipedia).  The last 19 chapters are written in a coded language, technically known as apocalyptic, showing how God will triumph.  Perhaps the imagery is not too alien for those who like Star Wars 😂.

Some of the books we have available in the Resource Centre are detailed below.

Following the Lamb: A reading of Revelation for the new millennium
by Christina Le Moigan

Christina Le Moigan invites us to listen to the message of Revelation and encourages us to see how God uses what seems insignificant, small church communities, to further His purposes. She encourages us to see God, the world and ourselves in the light of who and what God is doing. The book is a heartfelt plea from a seasoned Methodist minister who served as President of the Methodist Conference from 2001 to 2002.

Discipling Generation Y: Themes from Revelation for Youth Ministry
by Steve Griffiths

The chapters in this book started as articles in Youthwork magazine and help us to view our culture differently. In this unique book, Steve Griffiths shows how Revelation describes how kingdom values help us stand firm in difficult and fast changing circumstances.  He uses a series of questions to apply the message of Revelation to the challenges Generation Y face. Steve is an ordained CofE minister and youth worker.

BookbyBook Revelation Study Guide
by Paul Blackham

Do you wish to follow a more in-depth look at Revelation with your home group? If so, then this book with its accompanying DVD maybe just what you’re looking for. In the Resources Centre we have 4 copies of the book, as well. This book is part of the BookbyBook series which are designed for small group Bible Study as well as personal use. The author, Paul Blackham, has shared ministry at All Souls, Langham Place among other places.

Look out for more pointers and book reviews over the coming weeks!

Mike Pearson

Available in the Resource Centre

Book ReviewLewis Cox