The Journey delights hundreds
We knew bringing back The Journey after five years would be a challenge. However with the help of over 50 volunteers, taking part in all sorts of different ways, it all came together for a successful outreach event.
The car park was transformed into an efficient waiting area in the town of Nazareth - where guests could not only enjoy petting the donkeys, but meet some of the townsfolk and sample the local cuisine.
Once they were ready to begin their journey to Bethlehem, guests encountered star-watchers, kings, shepherds, sheep and innkeepers as they heard the extraordinary tale of Mary and Joseph’s own journey ahead of them. Finally, they met the couple themselves in a dim stable, now with a baby: Jesus, the Saviour and light of the world.
Over the four hours, 700 people made the Journey - with each scene being performed 31 times.
Children’s nativity books were handed out as families left and the feedback was tremendous.
Our prayer now is that as one Journey ends, our guests and visitors will now consider a new journey of faith for themselves.
A huge thank you to all who made it happen, but particularly to church members Mike Lees and Sarah Crew - without whom it simply would not happen at all.