Note: Donations have now closed

In January, I have the privilege of joining a trip to Ghana organised by the Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship, visiting the Methodist Church there and experiencing some of the Ghanaian culture.

Having never been to Africa before I am looking forward to the trip and the opportunity I will have to meet the local churches and worship with them as well as seeing something of the country.

As part of the trip, it has been suggested that we take a gift from Methodists in this area to give to churches in Ghana. One of the Brigades is in need of new instruments and a school in a remote area is in need of new computers.

I am therefore writing to ask whether you would like to contribute to a collection that I would take with me?

Please don’t feel obliged, but thank you to any who do choose to give, I know the Ghanaian Methodist Church will be very grateful. I will update you on my trip on my return. It should be quite an adventure!

Rev Rachael Hawkins
Circuit Superintendent