Most Radical

After 2000 years of Christianity, it’s tempting, and in wider society is now the norm, to regard the teachings of Jesus as old fashioned; irrelevant to the world that we now live in. This is a travesty.

When Jesus walked the earth all those years ago, the things he told his followers and his audiences were totally radical. They challenged the established order. They critiqued society, even teachings of the Old Testament, that at that point, was the way people understood and obeyed God.

But perhaps the biggest surprise is that Jesus’ teachings are still radical even today, in 2024. Jesus’ teachings still challenge us to live differently, still take a contrary view to the attitudes we often see in the world around us, can still cause us to bristle and perhaps feel just a little bit uncomfortable at the ramifications, in the way true radical ways of thinking often do.

For the next three Sundays, we have chosen aspects of Jesus’ ministry that strike us as ‘Most radical’.

21 January
Lewis Cox
‘Love your enemies’

28 January
Rev Mark Hammond
‘Physician, heal yourself’

4 February
Rev Donna Fowler-Marchant
‘Blessed are those who mourn’

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Lewis Cox