Joy To The World

Amongst the Christmas cards I have received, a couple stood out. On one front cover was the word ‘Joy’ and on the other it said ‘Joy to the world’.   

What does the word joy mean to you? Happiness, bliss or pleasure? Does life need to be full of excitement and thrills to experience joy?

In the Christmas story Jesus’ arrival did bring joy, but it also unsettled people. Shepherds left their sheep to worship him and wise men travelled long distances to worship him. Both encountered God in Jesus by making changes in their daily routines.

For the elderly Anna and Simeon, their joy was the outcome of years of patient waiting to meet the Messiah, whom they expected to come.

They praised God when Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the temple.

For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations
Luke 2: 30-31

I think the joy which Jesus offers is deeper than a buzz of excitement. It is deep lasting peace which is not dependent on our mood and emotions. It is joy in knowing God loves us and promises to be with us always. This joy can sustain us when life is complicated and challenging.

Simeon recognised that God’s joy is limitless. It is is for everyone. 2024 is a leap year but let’s not leap over the opportunities to encounter the deep joy of knowing God is with us. Let’s continue to pray that God’s joy and peace will transform the whole world. Let’s, in joy, care for each other and support our local and global community.

Joy to the world, the Lord has come.


Deacon Sarah

Lewis Cox