The Signs of a Prophet

When Princess Diana died, Buckingham Palace did not fly the Union Jack at half-mast straight away. What does such action or non-action mean, symbolise?  In this book, Morna Hooker asks us to consider Jesus’ actions and similarly ask, what do they mean?

In this short scholarly book, the author packs a lot in a few words.  She reviews Jesus’ actions in the light of the Old Testament prophets as well as John the Baptist.  She compares Jesus’ actions including eating with tax-collectors /sinners.  In the Appendix, she touchingly builds on the work of her late-husband, David Stacey, and argues that the Lord’s Supper is prophetic drama. 

Morna Hooker was Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Robinson College.

Mike Pearson

Available in the Resource Centre

Lewis Cox